Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's been WAY too long...

Let me do a quick update on my life. A few big things that have happened since January. I will be serving with NET Ministries, which is a 9 month mission program, starting in August of this year. I have been really busy with everything going on. I went to Immokalee, FL this weekend with some other students, Dr. Woodard and his family. I learned so much and still haven't really figured out my feelings yet. It was a lot to take in in a very short amount of time. I am doing my final art project on Immokalee farm workers though which will be really awesome hopefully.

Okay now to real stuff..
I have been stressing out a little bit because I am leaving May 3 for my summer internship in South Dakota and I have a lot to get done before then, specifically raising $4200 for NET and getting my life in order and packed for this year. It's crazy to think that in less than 150 days I will be flying into Minnesota for 9 months of serving with NET. Tonight I really just needed to talk things out so I went to my sister's room and just spilled out loud because I wasn't sure what to do. After the fact I realize that I keep thinking about my plans...It's not about me!! God's got this crazy awesome plan for everything and things will work out how they need to.. How awesome is that..I don't need to worry.

Well, I will write more about NET and SD later so everyone know what is going on more, but until then, Breathe and Smile <3

God Bless,

Erica Jean Boehm

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