Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Something BIGGER

"Whatever you're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but I believe
You're up to something bigger than me
Larger than life, something heavenly"
<3 Sanctus Real
     I was talking with my friend Mary on Facebook chat earlier today and in the middle of our conversation she sent me the beginning of the lyrics at the beginning of this post and it got me listening to the song. I forget about songs sometimes because I start to listen to just one band or something sometimes, but this song, after she said the lyrics and I thought about it, the song popped right back into my head and I was singing it. Anyway, I put it on a little bit ago after reading the Gospel for tomorrow...I read the Gospel and was thinking about it and listening to what God wanted me to take from it, and it brought me back to that song surprisingly.

The part of scripture that really was stuck in my mind was this part:
"Then, taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven,
he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples
to set before the people;
he also divided the two fish among them all.
They all ate and were satisfied.
And they picked up twelve wicker baskets full of fragments
and what was left of the fish.
Those who ate of the loaves were five thousand men."
-Mark 6: 41-44

How something so small can feed so many people is amazing, but it reminded me of the Eucharist then first. Every week, every day, when we gather for Mass, the same thing is done with the Eucharist. AMAZING! After that I was thinking about how after we receive the Eucharist, we go out into the world and serve others. We are just one person. One person in this big world. What can we do as one person? I got thinking about that... As one person. As a child of God. As His, I can do so much. I just have to take that step and then keep stepping. It's amazing how much one person can do if they keep giving.

TobyMac's Facebook page earlier this week had a post on it that really caught my eye..

"Ask God for vision, then ask Him to put the right people around you, then when he opens the doors ... be willing to step"

So often, we ask God to show us how to serve Him or what we should do next, but we aren't willing to take that step when the time comes.
It's a new year. Find out where God wants you to go, where he wants you to be. Patience is important though I've found out. I used to ask God what he wanted me to do then just gave up on it if nothing happened the next day, but it's God's time..remember that.
Something that has really shown me this patience and helped me with it is praying Novenas. They are 9 days, so it isn't just saying a prayer once and seeing what happens. It is everyday.

We are going back to school soon for Spring semester which means people are making summer plans for jobs and mission trips...keep God in those plans, see what HE wants :) Let him work inside of you.

As for me, I booked my tickets today to spend 3 months in Aberdeen, South Dakota at a Convent with my Aunt helping her as support at 3 middle school/high school girl's leadership camps. :)

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas season and a fantastic New Year with family and Friends!

God Bless,
Peace and Love,

Erica Jean