Friday, September 24, 2010

Jesus is...

Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

      So, I went to daily mass yesterday in the Chapel. On Wednesday night when I decided I wanted to go, I asked James, one of the other peer ministers on campus, if he would come with because then I knew I would go and I had someone to hold me accountable sort of. (Accountability partners are a good thing I have found out.) Going to mass was such a good thing. I have found every time I go to mass when I really was set on not going, I get something amazing out of it, not that I don't get something out of mass on a regular basis, it just reassures me that I need to keep going to mass. Anyway...

      The homily at mass was pretty awesome and really got me thinking. Father was talking about how Jesus is our friend, our companion, redeemer, beginning and the end, alpha and omega, etc. and at different times, Jesus is different things to us. At peer minister retreat at the beginning of the school year, each peer minister got a candle with a name for Jesus on it and a quality of a peer minister. My candle has "listener" written on one side. Jesus is a listener. Right now, that is exactly who Jesus is to me. He is still my friend, best friend actually, and my savior, messiah, everything, but he is a listener right now most of all.
     When I am going through a rough time or I just have a problem, most of the time I just need to get it out of my head and say it to someone so I can figure it out; I need someone to listen. Jesus is my go to guy right now when I need someone to listen.

      To all of you: Find someone that you can talk to who will just listen when you are going through something and need to get it out in order to figure it out. Prayer is a great way; I went to the chapel the other night. The St. Jude chapel is open 24/7, so go whenever you are free and just talk to him. If that doesn't work, go to a peer minister..that's why we are listen. Find a friend, a best friend, the veggie lady, sandwich lady, omelet lady, stir-fry guy, whatever works for you... Remember that Jesus is ALWAYS there to listen.

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